Days 7 - 9 are a bit of a blur of day job stresses, motherhood and family responsibility, Holiday madness and a few good days of work on my WIP (woohoo!) So we’re going to just chalk that up to life, which brings up the topic for today’s post.
How do you as a writer deal with stresses of life and make time to return to your passion?
For me, writing is an escape. I leave the outside world behind, the stresses, the pressures, the expectations, and for the time that I’m writing, it’s just me and the page. It’s something I do for me. The time I spend writing is sometimes the only time I feel like me, the me I remember being before becoming a mother, before becoming a wife, before becoming a middle-aged adult. Writing to me was a way to reconnect with my younger self, the self I still feel like I am in my heart. And so, I safeguard my writing time, and if you’re struggling to do the same, perhaps some of my safeguards can help you too!
1. First, you need to develop your writing habit. Most up and coming writers work a day job until they make it as a writer (this writer included). Most of us have families, other hobbies, responsibilities, whatever it may be, work with what you have. If you have thirty minutes in the morning before anyone else in the house wakes up, take that time to write. If it is that last hour of your day when the house is finally quiet, use your time wisely. It’s a commitment. It’s not always going to be fun. You’re going to be tired sometimes, most times, but if you get up, day after day and do what you need to do, day after day, the habit will take over and soon it will become second nature.